Dilation and Evacuation:

Abortion Procedures (Dilation & Evacuation) up to 25w6d (25 weeks and 6 days) in most cases, up to 26 weeks on a case-by-case basis in accordance with state law

At Equity Clinic, the procedure to end a pregnancy after 16 weeks is most commonly a Dilation and Evacuation (or D&E). This procedure involves two basic steps, the first is dilation of the cervix and the second is evacuating (or emptying) the uterus. Please consider watching our informational videos for more information about the process and what to expect:

Surgical Abortion
Close-up of the psychiatrist's hand holding the patient's hand. To encourage and comfort the patient

Dilation & Evacuation
(Between 16 and 26 Weeks)

Dilation and Evacuation procedures can be done up until the legal limit in the state of Illinois. Equity Clinic currently performs these procedures up until 25w6d (25 weeks and 6 days) for most pregnancies. For pregnancies with significant anomalies, abnormalities, or complications, these procedures may be possible further into a pregnancy. On a case-by-case basis in accordance with state law, we may extend our care to 26 weeks of pregnancy. Please reach out to us to discuss options in more detail.

Dilation and Evacuation procedures are typically done under sedation at Equity Clinic. However, on the day of your appointment, you will meet with one of our healthcare providers who will review your medical history and discuss the options that are safely available for you.

Other terminology sometimes used to describe a Dilation and Evacuation procedure:

  • “Late-term abortion”: this is not a medical term and has many different meanings to different people. To avoid confusion, we prefer not to use this term at Equity Clinic.
  • “Second-trimester abortion”: this is a term that means any abortion between 13 and 27 weeks of pregnancy and includes Dilations and Evacuations, but also includes other options.

Please do not hesitate to call us with any questions.

Pregnancy Calculator

Enter the first day of your last period to see your options

Please use this calculator before selecting your options from the appointment form below. Note: Seeing a trained medical professional is the only way to accurately determine the length of your pregnancy and what options are available. This calculator assumes you have regular periods and may be less reliable in patients who do not have regular periods.

Surgical Abortion FAQ

The medication abortion is carried out by taking two medications over the course of 1-3 days. The first pill is called mifepristone. This pill blocks pregnancy hormones and stops the pregnancy from growing. We will give you this pill in our clinic and you take it while here. Within 24-48 after taking the first medication, you will take the second medication. The second pill is called misoprostol. This pill causes the cervix to open and it also causes the uterus to have cramps which cause the pregnancy to leave the uterus. You take this medication by either inserting small pills in your vagina to dissolve or by putting the small pills in your mouth and holding them in your cheeks until they dissolve. You will be given this medication to go home with and take at your convenience during the 24-48 hour window. Once the process is completed, we will have you take a home pregnancy test a few weeks later to make sure the pregnancy hormone levels have fully dropped in your body.  

This depends on the length of your pregnancy and which abortion procedure is chosen. Your payment will include the prep work (ultrasound, lab work, etc.), medication, anesthesia, and all follow-up care at our clinic. Please feel free to contact us and we can give you a clearer answer based on your personal circumstances. 

Yes, D&E is a very safe procedure. Like any surgical procedure, however, there are some possible complications but the risk of complications is small. Possible risks include hemorrhage (heavy bleeding), infection, and perforation of the uterus (injuring the uterus). Reactions to anesthesia are also possible (and rare) if the procedure is done under anesthesia. Abortion procedures are NOT associated with an increased risk of infertility, future pregnancy loss (or miscarriage), breast cancer, or depression. 

While the procedures are relatively quick, under 30 minutes, the prep work, counseling, procedure, and aftercare will take longer than that. For a D&E procedure, you’ll be in the clinic for multiple hours a day over the course of 2 days. 

This depends on your health history, the length of your pregnancy, and your personal desires. If you do receive anesthesia, we offer : 

  • Numbing/Local Anesthesia: This is done for all procedures and involves a numbing medicine being injected into the cervix at the beginning of the procedure. It reduces the pain that is felt during and after the procedure but does not take away all of the discomforts of the procedure.  
  • Oral Medications (Medications by mouth): We offer a wide range of medications that can be taken by mouth to help with discomfort during the procedure. Depending on whether or not you have a driver/ride after the procedure, and your medical history, all patients are eligible for all of these medications as well and they include both pain medications and medications to help relax you and make you less anxious/worried about the procedure.  
  • Conscious Sedation (Medications in your veins): We offer a wide range of medications in your veins as well including pain medications and relaxing medications. These medications can be combined in a process called conscious sedation which is a form of anesthesia that also causes amnesia (or causes you to have little memory of what happened during your procedure). This approach is much safer than general anesthesia and wears off much quicker than general anesthesia which allows for a shorter stay in the clinic and a more rapid return to normal activities. Procedures starting at 16 weeks include conscious sedation in the price. For procedures less than 16 weeks, there is an extra charge for conscious sedation but not for the other forms of anesthesia.  

All procedures are safe and effective regardless of the type of anesthesia you choose.

We highly recommend bringing someone you trust to the appointment, especially if you receive anesthesia. This will make transportation safer and offers some support following the procedure. They will be able to wait in the lobby for you until the procedure is over. They will not be allowed in the procedure room or recovery room for the safety and confidentiality of everyone at the clinic. We ask that you only bring one person with you. Children under the age of 16 are not permitted in the clinic.  

We recommend that you make an appointment before coming in to see us. We do try to accommodate walk-in patients, but to respect the patients who called ahead and have appointments, we cannot guarantee that you will be seen that same day if our schedule is already full.